Sunday, February 1, 2009

Under the weather/research

Is it just me or this whole blog thing is not so (can't find my words)! It makes me dizzy. I thought keeping up with blogs would of been a little easier. I'll have to comment on this in the comming weeks to see if i feel the same. All of this is a new experience for me. Don't get me wrong.....I like to try new things however it's just not what i expected.

Does anyone understand why you have to go through a verification word "if this is even what it is called" before you post a comment onto someones blog?

Onto the business....I am one of the few who will be doing my research on a book-lenght ethnography. The title is 'The Virtual Campfire: An Ethnography of Online Social Networking' by Jennifer Anne Ryan. No particular reason why I chose her over the other options. Although I sensed more of an ambuiguity with this title than the other one's and it stuck out the most so this one "won"! Any of the options would of been a learning experience for me. I wish I could give a better reason than that but this one is the truth -plain and simple.


  1. the verification word (you mean the twisty-lettered word(s) you sometimes have to type in to post comments, eh?) is to make sure you're a 'real person' and not just some program crawling around and posting spam (ads, trolling-for-traffic links and other such crap) on folks' blogs. or so I've been led to believe. cheers.

  2. thanks rsrcher.....learn something new everyday!

  3. The actual term for the "twisty-lettered word(s)" is captcha.
